This infographic expands on the conceptualization of resilience as presented in the Child Welfare Trauma Training Toolkit (3rd ed.). It reviews topics on neurplasticity, common misconeptions about resilience, and strategies that the child welfare workforce can employ to enhance resilience of children, youth, and families.
This article advocates for the critical involvement and support of caregivers in treatment for children and youth exposed to violence
This fact sheet provides information to help caregivers recognize signs and symptoms of complex trauma in children, and provides recommendations on ways to respond and help children heal.
This guide provides recommendations to foster and adoptive parents in responding to children exposed to trauma in safe and healing ways.
This fact sheet for families provides information about child abuse and neglect, the effects, and ways to help children heal.
This article defines resilience and factors that enhance resilience in children following a potentially traumatic event, and outlines steps providers can take to build on individual, family, and communal strengths to address children’s needs and foster growth and development.
This webpage of the CEBC website highlights alternatives to long-term residential care programs that are evidence-based. These are defined as family-home-based or short-term residential programs that meet the clinical or therapeutic needs of children who were traditionally served in congregate care settings.
This paper presents a case example of how one jurisdiction selected an evidence-based intervention to promote the social and emotional well-being of children.
This website provides information and resources on child trauma for caregivers and youth.
This webpage provides information on a variety of evidence-based trauma treatments and practices, which take into account the diverse needs of children and adolescents across the country.
This fact sheet discusses tips for caregivers on ways to support children following traumatic stress and how to get support from the school.
This series of fact sheets offers support and information on resilience and recovery to parents whose children have been affected by domestic violence.
This section of the NCTSN website provides a wealth of resources for families and caregivers covering a range of topics on child trauma.
This research to practice brief provides information about evidence-based interventions for infants and toddlers exposed to trauma
This document discusses different ways children react to trauma at different developmental periods. and provides information on how parents and caregivers can support children who have experienced trauma.
This paper describes a process for delivering trauma screening, functional and clinical assessment, evidence-based interventions, and the use of progress monitoring in order to better achieve well-being outcomes.
This tip sheet offers parents and caregivers information about ways that children may respond to the anniversary of a traumatic event. This tip sheet tells parents about what to look for before the anniversary of an event, who might need special support, and how they can support their families.
This tip sheet, offered in Spanish, provides tips for current caregivers and others to help address the needs of immigrant and refugee children who have experienced traumatic separation. It outlines what children of different ages might be experiencing and how caregivers and others can help.
This tip sheet provides tips for current caregivers and others to help address the needs of immigrant and refugee children who have experienced traumatic separation. It outlines what children of different ages might be experiencing and how caregivers and others can help.
This fact sheet provides information about particular grief reactions that a child may have when a brother or sister dies, and provides tips to help the grieving child.
This document provides information on TF-CBT, an evidence based treatment for childhood trauma exposure. Describes the research base, key components of TF-CBT, information about what to look for in a therapist, and questions to ask treatment providers.
This website provides a wealth of evidence-informed educational material and resources for caregivers. Resources include information on normative and problematic sexual behavior in children and adolescents, safety planning, advocacy, and treatment options.
This document, designed for caregivers, discusses terminology, frequently asked questions, safety methods, and ways to help teens heal from sexual assault.
This fact sheet outlines why teens don't disclose sexual assault and how to support teens after disclosure of a sexual assault.
This document is designed to provide information to caregivers to help them support children who have experienced sexual abuse.
This tip sheet, designed for caregivers, discusses ways to recognize and help teens with traumatic grief.
This Data At-A-Glance document outlines research on dissociation and what parents and caregivers can do.
This fact sheet provides parents and caregivers with information about traumatic grief in military children, and what a parent can do to help their child as well as themselves.
This tip sheet provides information for caregivers on safe internet behavior for youth.
This section of the CEBC website provides a list of treatments for childhood PTSD structured by well-supported, supported, or promising research evidence.
This website is devoted to research and theory on the processes underlying posttraumatic growth.
This book is designed to facilitate the implementation of TF-CBT in a variety of settings and with a variety of trauma-exposed clients.
This book provides and evidence-based framework for assessing and treating young children exposed to traumatic events.
This article illustrates the concepts and foundations of posttraumatic growth and proposes a model of PTG.
This systematic review of posttraumatic growth (PTG) in children and adolescents examines PTG and conceptually-relevant variables from the adult PTG literature.
This article reviews the current status of psychosocial treatment for children and youth exposed to trauma.
This webpage provides access to revised treatment guidelines for children and adults with PTSD.
This implementation manual is intended for mental health professionals trained in delivering TF-CBT. The manual discusses the clinical application of TF-CBT with children in foster care.
This workbook was designed for master’s level or higher practitioners with training in Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT). The workbook is intended for use with children ages six to fourteen who have been exposed to traumatic event(s)
This tip sheet offers information and recommendations on implementing trauma treatment for mental health professionals.
This webpage provides access to revised treatment guidelines for children and adults with PTSD.
This implementation manual is intended for mental health professionals trained in delivering TF-CBT. The manual discusses the clinical application of TF-CBT with children in foster care.
This workbook was designed for master’s level or higher practitioners with training in Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT). The workbook is intended for use with children ages six to fourteen who have been exposed to traumatic event(s)
This tip sheet offers information and recommendations on implementing trauma treatment for mental health professionals.
This webinar focuses on helping providers, current caregivers, and others understand and recognize the effects of Traumatic Separation in immigrant children and provides practical suggestions for how to support immigrant children who have been separated from parents and siblings.
This online learning library contains a variety of courses from experts in the field of traumatic stress.
This free web course is designed mainly for therapists interested in implementing PCIT with traumatized populations; however, it is also applicable to the general public interested in learning about and sharing information about PCIT.
This is a free online course that goes over the foundations of TF-CBT.
This is a free nine session program that child welfare agencies can use to train foster parents to better care for children who have had traumatic experiences
TST-FC training curriculum is available online without charge. It provides child welfare agencies with a tool to help caregivers recognize and meet the needs of children and youth who have experienced trauma
Taught by Karen Reivich, Ph.D., this module goes over the definition of resilience and the protective factors that make one resilient.
This webinar offered through the Learning Center of the NCTSN addresses the important role visitation plays for young foster children and their caregivers. Discusses ways to organize and improve the visit experience, as well as ways to manage children's behavior during and after the visit.
This is a 10 part webinar series is designed for domestic violence advocates and mental health clinicians. The series goes over practical strategies for supporting survivors and their children.
This 30 minute webinar offered through the Learning Center of the NCTSN offers suggestions for resource parents and pediatricians to see child behaviors through a trauma lens.
KEEP is an evidence-based support and skill enhancement education program for foster and kinship parents of children’s and adolescents. The goal of KEEP is to reduce placement breakdowns by offering training on research-based parenting techniques.
This webinar focuses on helping providers, current caregivers, and others understand and recognize the effects of Traumatic Separation in immigrant children and provides practical suggestions for how to support immigrant children who have been separated from parents and siblings.
This online learning library contains a variety of courses from experts in the field of traumatic stress.
This free web course is designed mainly for therapists interested in implementing PCIT with traumatized populations; however, it is also applicable to the general public interested in learning about and sharing information about PCIT.
This is a free online course that goes over the foundations of TF-CBT.
This is a free nine session program that child welfare agencies can use to train foster parents to better care for children who have had traumatic experiences
TST-FC training curriculum is available online without charge. It provides child welfare agencies with a tool to help caregivers recognize and meet the needs of children and youth who have experienced trauma
Taught by Karen Reivich, Ph.D., this module goes over the definition of resilience and the protective factors that make one resilient.
This webinar offered through the Learning Center of the NCTSN addresses the important role visitation plays for young foster children and their caregivers. Discusses ways to organize and improve the visit experience, as well as ways to manage children's behavior during and after the visit.
This is a 10 part webinar series is designed for domestic violence advocates and mental health clinicians. The series goes over practical strategies for supporting survivors and their children.
This 30 minute webinar offered through the Learning Center of the NCTSN offers suggestions for resource parents and pediatricians to see child behaviors through a trauma lens.
KEEP is an evidence-based support and skill enhancement education program for foster and kinship parents of children’s and adolescents. The goal of KEEP is to reduce placement breakdowns by offering training on research-based parenting techniques.